May 26, 2009

insecure, oh yes

Insecurities are difficult, often seemingly impossible. And yes insecurities interfere, get in your way, frustrate you, anger you. It's fear. It's always fear which we all carry to some degree or another. It can vary from day to day, minute to minute even. And it's all okay.

Know that you will never be free of them forever. They do serve a purpose. They act as reminders that your work is never completed. There's always room for more opening, more growth, more blossoming, and this is wonderful. If you can share this with another, heal with them and within them, it doesn't get much more beautiful than that.

Men and women alike are plagued with fears, read insecurities. I could argue that women more easily fall victim to them in some respects given the enormous pressure on us to look a certain way, young, beautiful, sexy, and we are often rejected via many venues for not filling the bill. Ask yourself though, "Is this the kind of man you want? Is this the kind of job you want? Is this the kind of life you want to lead? Do you want a life full of meaning or one that's filled with nothing?"

Yet we are bombarded with it and everywhere, and this sucks, and this hurts, big time. We can often and rather easily lose our sense of self and focus on what really doesn't matter so much, obsessing over what are usually lies, what we have lost or never had in the first place, such trivialities and so untrue. Sadly it seems as much as we are gaining equality, in some ways we are succumbing more and more to societal mores.

Who you are though is not your face nor your body. I'm not saying to neglect yourself. But you don't have to look a certain way or be anything but who you are to be gorgeous. For who you are is love. Who you are is found in your heart and soul, and this can glow more than any youthful, unblemished, "perfect" skin or form, shine forth more brilliantly than a flawless diamond, radiate more beautifully no matter what your age or physicality. PLEASE, PLEASE remember this.

I struggle with this as do you. I may always as may you. And strangely or maybe not so, it seems to hit me the hardest every time I have an emotional and/or spiritual breakthrough. For me every time I open myself just a bit more, become more vulnerable just a little, part the curtains that shield me, bare my heart and soul, my insecurities can sometimes come rushing in, sometimes flooding my consciousness, yet sometimes they merely ripple through, barely noticed, hardly acknowledged.

There's no telling what's going to happen when, and you don't need to know. Try not to fret when insecurities come to visit. Try not to resist. Sink into them as deeply as you can. Be with them. Flow with them. Ride their waves. They will take you where you ultimately wish to go.


Ruth Purple said...

Very well said. I always advocate people to conquer their fears. It may be an arduous process but it will lead you to greatness. Thank you for reminding us that imperfection is the epitome of beauty. Keep it up.


Anonymous said...

I am a homo.
We met online & been in a long distance relationship for a year now
I'm feminine & she's butch
We have never sexted or exchanged any pictures that contains nudity..
She's in USA and I'm in south Asia but she's coming to visit me in a couple months & we're planning to get married after getting to know each other personally!
But I be feeling that I'm not sexy enough for her according to the things she has said about her ex gf's
I'm afraid she'll leave me
I don't want it to happen I love her so much..
This is so depressing to me